I am doing the one day juice fast today. The juice is watered down unsweetened cranberry juice (just 100% cranberries), orange and lemon juices, cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, and a little stevia plus for sweetening. The citrus juices provide vitamin C, which helps the liver do its detox job. Cranberry juice is rich in a variety of vitamins and minerals on which the liver depends, and it also contains a natural diuretic which helps flush excess water from tissues and toxins with it. Cranberries are also high in organic acids which help regulate many bodily functions. And cranberries contain higher amounts of antioxidants than nearly any other fruit or vegetable. Cinnamon, nutmeg, and ginger contain flavonoids which help regulate blood sugar and increase metabolism.
So far, so good. I am little hungry, but nothing too bad. I used to fast periodically from the time I became a believer until my children were born, and then of course the whole pregnant and nursing situation put an end to that. I just never got back into it while I was raising my children. So it has been a very long time, LOL. My first four days on the detox diet were miserable, undergoing caffeine and sugar withdrawal. But I have felt much better every day since then, with no more head or muscle aches, less fatigue and more energy. After today, there is a three-day post fast diet, then I am done!
What do you eat or drink during the 3 day post fast diet?
Basically it is the same as the pre-fast diet, but the first day after your fast, you eat light, and more cooked foods than raw, since they are easier to digest. Also, you add one serving of a probiotic-rich food per day, such as yogurt or raw sauerkraut. I didn't realize raw sauerkraut was so good for you! When "soured cabbage" was given to Civil War prisoners of war, their death rate from smallpox went from 90% ro 5%. Sauerkraut is also good for fighting intestinal yeast overgrowth and parasites .. just a bit of trivia there.
I sure didn't know it was so good for you either. I need a bunch of small ways I can change my diet for the better. Baby steps I guess. I've thought about doing a detox too, but don't know how. I'm pretty sure I would be miserable for a while. I eat too much sugar and caffeine. Unfortunately, I don't do well with fasting. I have a thyroid issue which means I get hypoglycemic easily. It is really confusing because there are so many suggestions on how to cleanse…I just get overwhelmed. I'm so glad you are feeling wonderful. Makes it well worth it.