Read 1 Kings 21 here (text coming …) or at Bible Gateway.
The Hebrew paragraphs:
21:1-16 {p} Ahab coveted Naboth’s vineyard/ Jezebel murdered him, so that the king may have it
21:17-26 {p} The word of YHVH against Ahab and Jezebel, who did more wickedness than all before him
21:27 {p} When Ahab heard it, he mourned in sackcloth with fasting
21:28-22:1 {p} The word of YHVH: because Ahab humbled himself, the calamity will not come in his day
The Strong theme:
21:1-22:1 {px4} The crimes of Ahab and Jezebel, so that YHVH prophesied against them, but Ahab humbled himself
1 Kin 21:17-29 Chiastic structure:
The sin of Ahab and Jezebel in the matter of Naboth’s vineyard is the one specific sin YHVH charges to Ahab, rather than the general observation of doing evil. Naboth’s vineyard was the possession of his fathers (1 Kin 21:3); therefore it was justice that Jezebel should meet her end in the allotment of Jezreel (the allotment being, that which was divided by lot to the fathers in Israel, Jos 18:5).
But even though Ahab sold himself to do evil, more than any before him (being pushed into it by Jezebel), when his heart truly repented, then God also repented. The evil would still come, but Ahab’s eyes would not see it. There is no one who is beyond hope of repentance, or salvation!
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