We have been praying for the child of a
homeschooling family, who during their teen years, rebelled, left the
Lord, left home, started on drugs, got into trouble, and lived such a
life as the parents began to fear every time the phone rang, that it
would be news of their child’s death. The parents have been living in a
nightmare for the last two and a half years. They prayed and prayed
while things kept going from bad to worse, until they were so numb with
grief they couldn’t pray anymore. Then they just sobbed before the
Lord, while things went from worse to worse still, until they couldn’t
even do that anymore. They were cried dry. They have been cried dry for
the last four or five months or so, not feeling the grief or the fear
anymore, or joy or anything else. Just feeling dead inside.
What I learned from all this, is that the Lord remains faithful no
matter what. When we are so low that we can’t pray or even cry anymore,
the Lord remains faithful. He never lets go of His own, no matter what.
The teen was in church with the parents this weekend. At the end of the
service, the teen went up to the front to repent and rededicate himself
to Jesus. Some of the people in the church did not recognize the teen,
and did not understand the significance of this person at the front of
the church. But among those of us who have been praying, there was not
a dry eye.
isn’t that the way of it when anyone walks up to the front of
the church to give their heart and their life to Jesus? We do not know
where they have been and what they have come through before ending up
there. But even if they have lived a righteous life (in man’s eyes),
they are still bound for hell without knowing Jesus Christ. Anyone at
the front of the church is cause for rejoicing, indeed.
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