If you have been fearful lately … yes, these are trying times. But we of all people have no need to fear. Fear not is enjoined upon God’s people more than any other command in the Bible. I am currently posting Scripture Pics of all the instances I can find, a new one every day. Follow #FearNot365 on either MeWe or Gab to see. We are the commandment keepers and Bible believers who are to be an example of a light shining on a hill for the world!
But fear is a weapon of the enemy, and when we fear, guess who we are allowing to be in authority over our heart, mind, soul, and emotions? Not the LORD God, who says to you, “Fear not; I will help you.” You see, we believe who we worship, in truth. If we do not worship the enemy, then it is incumbent upon us to live as if he is the liar he is, and if we worship YHVH, then it is incumbent upon us to live as if He is the truth-teller He is.
Dearly Beloved, if we succumb to fear every time the enemy launches that fiery dart at us, might 2 Chr 7:14 be speaking to us to repent of wicked ways?
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