Read John 18 at Bible Gateway.
Joh 18:1-12 chiastic structure:
1a) Joh 18:1-3a, Jesus in the garden/ Judas with a detachment of troops + officers from the chief priests;
1b.1) Joh 18:3b, Came there with lanterns, torches, and weapons;
1b.2) Joh 18:4a, Jesus therefore, knowing all things that would come upon Him;
1c) Joh 18:4b-5a, Jesus: Whom are you seeking?/ Answer: Jesus of Nazareth/ Jesus: I am He;
1d) Joh 18:5b, And Judas, who betrayed Him, also stood with them;
central axis) Joh 18:6a, Now when He said to them, “I am He;”
2d) Joh 18:6b, They drew back and fell to the ground;
2c) Joh 18:7-9, Jesus: Whom are you seeking?/ Answer: Jesus of Nazareth/ Jesus: I am He + let these go their way;
2b.1) Joh 18:10-11a, Simon Peter’s sword;
2b.2) Joh 18:11b, Jesus: Shall I not drink the cup which My Father has given Me;
2a) Joh 18:12, Then the detachment of troops + captain, officers of the Jews arrested Jesus + bound Him.
Joh 18:13-28 chiastic structure:
1a) Joh 18:13-14, They led Him to Annas (the father-in-law of Caiaphas the high priest that year);
1b) Joh 18:15-17, The servants asked Simon Peter if he was a disciple/ Peter: I am not;
1c) Joh 18:18, The servants warmed themselves at the fire + Peter stood with them and warmed himself;
1d) Joh 18:19, The high priest asked Jesus about His disciples and His doctrine;
1e) Joh 18:20-21, Jesus: I spoke openly to the world in synagogues + the temple/ Why do you ask Me;
1f) Joh 18:22a, And when He had said these things;
central axis) Joh 18:22b, One of the officers who stood by struck Jesus with the palm of his hand;
2f) Joh 18:22c, Saying: Do You answer the high priest like that?
2e) Joh 18:23, Jesus: If I have spoken evil, bear witness/ But if well, why do you strike Me;
2d) Joh 18:24, Then Annas sent Him bound to Caiaphas the high priest;
2c) Joh 18:25a, Now Simon Peter stood and warmed himself;
2b) Joh 18:25b-27, The servants asked Simon Peter if he was a disciple/ Peter: I am not + 3rd denial; a rooster crowed;
2a) Joh 18:28, They led Jesus from Caiaphas to the Praetorium (to Pilate and the Romans).
Jesus said, “Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice.” Does this statement condemn everyone you know who has not responded to the call of Jesus, or who is in error over doctrine? That is the mistake many believers make, because while Jesus is saying, in essence, that if you are of the truth, you will hear His voice, He does not bound it by when. Just because someone does not hear His voice today, does not mean he will not hear His voice tomorrow. Did you or I hear His voice from our first day? The day came when God enabled us to hear His voice (and that day was a different day on the timeline of the world’s history for me and for you.) In this age of the world, we are in the age of bearing witness to the truth, and that age is not ended as yet. This is what the Scripture means:
Therefore judge nothing before the time, until the Lord comes, who will both bring to light the hidden things of darkness and reveal the counsels of the hearts. Then each one’s praise will come from God. 1 Cor 4:5
Today it is “before the time.” Have hope for everyone you are praying for and bearing witness to – the age of hearing the voice of Jesus is not ended yet!
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