I saw the final cover art for Story of the Ancient World yesterday. It is going to be beautiful. We are finishing the index, and we anticipate shipping the books to all who preordered the final two weeks in August. I appreciate everyone’s patience, I do hope the final result will be worth the wait. It is an ancient history book unlike any other; part Old Testament history book, but with the history of Egypt and Assyria and all the rest so woven in that the histories of these other empires help illuminate Biblical history, as the Biblical history illuminates and makes sense of their history.
Some of the history I discovered was a topic of hot debate among scholars pre- Darwin. It appears that the acceptance of Darwin and long ages to civilization silenced that debate. But the history the authors of antiquity told, which in every instance affirmed creation, flood, and dispersal from Babel, and what that meant for Biblical history, was an area of study that was making convincing progress in setting forth a unified history of the ancient world, pre- Darwin.
But the understanding of creation science and creation history was the missing puzzle piece to the debate, which the scholarship of the last thirty years among the folks at ICR and AiG have provided. I was in a unique position, having inherited some of these pre- Darwin histories of the ancient world based on the ancient authors from my grandfather, and also having access to AiG’s complete library of creation science and history. The publication of Ussher’s Annals (Broken link, active August 1, 2006) in English was the final key, which provided the chronology to marry the two.
While the book is being printed, and we are waiting for its arrival, we will be posting chapters and making the links active at the Ancient World page, and I also hope to begin posting here some of the surprising things I learned about the history of the ancient world in the course of writing this book. Not everything I learned could be included in a book for grammar stage children, of course, so there will be quite a bit to post that will not overlap.
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