Read 1 Timothy 2 at Bible Gateway.
1 Tim 2:1-8 chiastic structure:
1a) 1 Tim 2:1, Let supplications, prayers, intercessions, giving of thanks be made for all men;
1b) 1 Tim 2:2-3, For kings + all in authority, that we may lead quiet lives in godliness (civil authority);
1c) 1 Tim 2:4, God desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth;
central axis) 1 Tim 2:5, There is one God + one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus;
2c) 1 Tim 2:6, Who gave Himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time;
2b) 1 Tim 2:7, Paul, appointed preacher, apostle, teacher in faith and truth (church authority);
2a) 1 Tim 2:8, Therefore, men pray everywhere, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting.
The church is called to pray for kings and all in authority, so that we might be left in peace to live quiet lives in all godliness. Many of us are not being left in peace today to live quiet lives in all godliness, but kings and those in authority are meddling with our daily life, passing laws and imposing expenses which make living our lives in peace difficult.
Church, I wonder if we have spent more time using our mouths to complain about and dishonor kings and those in authority, rather than intercede for them before the throne to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. How do we give thanks when we need such drastic change in the country? We can thank God that He is on His throne directing the affairs of men and nations, and turning the king’s heart like water in His hand (Pro 21:1). He is smarter than we are and all things serve their purpose. Let us thank Him for it.
There is a lot to be upset about today, but beloved, perhaps we are in this mess because we have made it our business for the past generation to speak ill of kings and those in authority rather than to speak blessing and thanksgiving for them. Perhaps for the past generation we have used our mouth to speak wrath and doubting, instead of using our mouth to intercede for salvation and the gift of wisdom for them in their deliberations. I am guilty of this too. Yes we need change in this country … and I think it needs to begin with us.
1 Tim 2:9-15 chiastic structure:
1a) 1 Tim 2:9-10, Proper adornment for women (modesty and good works);
1b) 1 Tim 2:11, Let a woman learn in silence with all submission;
central axis) 1 Tim 2:12a, I do not permit women to teach or have authority over men;
2b) 1 Tim 2:12, Let a woman be in silence;
2a) 1 Tim 2:13-15, Proper order for women (men in authority over women).
ancient Gentile feminism and Paul’s admonition in 1 Tim 2
Paul is encouraging the Gentile women to embrace their unique gifts as women (child bearing/ child rearing), and to allow the men to embrace their unique gifts as men (provision/ protection/ leadership). Paul is encouraging the Gentile churches to align themselves with Torah, the foundation of all Scripture, and to proceed from there.
Women, let me ask you: is this offensive to you? If it is, why is it? What is the spirit that seeks to promote itself and exalt itself over others? What is the spirit that seeks to be heard at the expense of others? Is it the still small voice of the meek and lowly Holy Spirit? Isn’t the pattern of humility, submission, and self- sacrificial service, the pattern set for us by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (Phil 2:5-8)?
These two structures have one thing in common: fostering proper godly honor for God-ordained authority. I bow my heart, and my mouth, before You, my King and my God. ♥
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