Today’s annual Torah portion is Vayeshev, “And he dwelt,” in Genesis 37:1-40:23.
Today’s triennial Torah portion is Shoftim, “Judges,” in Deuteronomy 16:18-17:13.
Today’s Hebrew Testament chronological reading is in Esther 7 through 10.
The Psalms/ Proverbs reading is in Proverbs 21.
No Greek Testament reading today.
The Genesis 37:1-40:23 Vayeshev Outline is here.
Finding Messiah in Vayeshev is here.
Finding Messiah in Torah is here.
Genesis in Chiastic Structure is here.
I was unable to complete the Triennial Deuteronomy 16:18-17:13 Shoftim Outline, I am sorry. This link to the Annual Shoftim Outline may help.
Essential Studies.
Genesis 37:1-40:23, The chiastic structures of each of Vayeshev’s paragraphs
Vayeshev reveals that Joseph was promoted three times: under his father, under Potiphar, and under the keeper of the prison; and he was brought low three times: into the pit, into slavery, and into the prison house. Three times Joseph faced a type of death, and was delivered from death: the first in the pit, the second as a slave (slavery is a type of death in scripture, for the former life is no more) and the third as a prisoner (prison is likewise a type of death in scripture, for the former life is again no more). Passages which are prophetic of Messiah in Torah contain Messianic signs consistently used … three, and deliverance from death, are significant Messianic signs (please see The Teaching Tools of Scripture for more on that). Joseph is being highlighted as a Messianic type. Vayeshev is prophesying of the first coming and ministry of Messiah, which is: though exalted, and though righteous, Messiah will be brought low and suffer, not because of his own sins, but because of the sins of others.
Esther 7 through 10, And history that prophesies (Additional studies: Esther Index)
Proverbs 21:1-30, Chiastic structure (Additional studies: Proverbs Index)
Three-year Bible.
The three-year plan is here.
Today’s reading is in 1 Samuel 21.
Suggested study: 1 Samuel 21, Bible for Beginners.
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