Today’s Hebrew Testament chronological reading is in Ezra 5 and 6.
The Psalms/ Proverbs reading is in Proverbs 17.
The Greek Testament reading is in Revelation 13.
(We will also be in Revelation 13 tomorrow, since there is so much to digest concerning this chapter.)
Essential Studies.
Ezra 5 and 6, Teaching tools, and Ezr 3:1-6:15 chiastic structure
Proverbs 17, The root of strife (Additional studies: Proverbs Index)
Revelation 12 and 13, The long war against God (Additional studies: Revelation Index)
We saw that Revelation 12 was a picture of war in heaven, and spiritual events. In chapter 13, we see the picture of war on earth, in that the beast, which is Satan’s earthly empire, was given authority to make war for 42 months. The chapter 13 war took place during the height of Medieval Roman power, when the absolute power of the Roman Church coupled with the absolute power of the Holy Roman Empire wreaked destruction on the true believers, in the form of excommunications, crusades, and inquisitions. Although not as many were killed as were killed during the ten Ancient Roman persecutions of the Great Tribulation, still, millions were killed. You might say that chapters 12 and 13 together paint a picture of Babylon’s Long War against God, when she appears to be victorious.
Three-year Bible.
The three-year plan is here.
Today’s reading is in 1 Samuel 17.
Suggested study: 1 Samuel 17, Bible for Beginners.
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