Today’s Hebrew Testament chronological reading is in Esther 1 and 2.
The Psalms/ Proverbs reading is in Proverbs 18.
The Greek Testament reading is in Revelation 13, continuing from yesterday.
Essential Studies.
Esther 1 and 2, Teaching tools, and Esther and Ahasuerus in Persian history
Proverbs 18, The fruit of the lips (Additional studies: Proverbs Index)
Revelation 13, Marked on the hand and forehead (Additional studies: Revelation Index)
Let’s remember what it means in Scripture to be marked on the hand or forehead. Looking at the history of marks in Scripture (here and here), it is a sign, evidence, something that distinguishes us as belonging to a certain class or position. Then what we habitually do, (here and here), how we act, marks us on the right hand, the agent of action; and what we habitually think about, what we talk about, marks us on the forehead, the agent of thought. Wherever Scripture speaks of being marked on the hand and forehead, it is in reference to the evidence of actions and thoughts that distinguish us as belonging to YHVH. So I began to think that in this case, also, those who are being marked on the right hand and forehead, are marked by the evidence of actions and thoughts that distinguish them as belonging to the antichrist. Their identifying mark on their right hand, the agent of action, and on their forehead, the agent of thought, is what they habitually do and what they habitually think about and say. The mark is not a tattoo or a microchip at all! It is the evidence of our lives that signals to everyone around us to whom we belong.
Three-year Bible.
The three-year plan is here.
Today’s reading is in 1 Samuel 18.
Suggested study: 1 Samuel 18, Bible for Beginners.
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