Our tissues have been releasing toxins since the second day. But today is where most of the toxin flushing happens – the juice fast day! Today Sarah and I are not eating anything, but we are drinking Dr. Gittleman’s special cranberry juice blend all day to really kick the liver’s detoxing job into high gear.
I made two gallons of cranberry juice blend yesterday – a blend of unsweetened cranberry juice, other essential unsweetened juices, and spices. Everything in the juice blend has its role: detox support, blood sugar stabilizer, metabolism booster, etc., etc. I kept one gallon and sent one gallon home with Sarah.
I am not posting the detox cranberry juice blend recipe. It would be more convenient for me to have it posted here, but I have already posted the guts of Dr. Gittleman’s detox plan; the cranberry juice blend is the heart. I won’t post it, because Dr. Gittleman deserves to get your $10 in buying the book for all her hard work in figuring all this out. A laborer is worthy of his hire, the Bible says.
So buy the Fast Track Detox Diet by Ann Louise Gittleman, get all the research and reasons why we must include liver healers and crucifers and citrus every day for the detox; why we must avoid sugar and sugar alcohols and artificial sweeteners and pork; and get her easy recipe for the dynamic detox cranberry juice blend.
You will make your money back many times over in saved doctor visits and saved antibiotic prescriptions for colds and bronchitis, and saved productivity because your energy will skyrocket! If it works for me, it will work for everyone!