Oh, you didn’t think I meant Christian evangelism, did you? No, no … it’s homo[s-x]ual lifestyle evangelism in our public schoools, again. A Kentucky high school has been forced to allow (Broken link, active July 27, 2006) the activist Gay-Straight Alliance club to meet in its high school, even though neither the school nor the parents wanted it. The Kentucky Equality Association threatened to sue the school if they did not vote in favor of the club.
There are a couple of home town notes with this news story. The high school is in Boone county, Kentucky, which is where AiG’s Creation Museum is being built. And, the news article quotes Martin Cothran extensively about the case. Hey Martin Cothran! The same Martin Cothran who has written fantastic logic and rhetoric curriculum for Memoira Press, and who wrote the excellent Logic article for me at CCH! AiG and Martin Cothran both promote homeschooling, and with control effectively removed from parents and the community in even the most conservative counties of the Bible belt, now you know why.
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