Read Exodus 18:1-20:26 at Bible Gateway.
The Teaching Tools of Scripture
Genesis 1:1-2:3, The Teaching Tools of Scripture, part one and part two
Genesis 6, And the Strong Themes Teaching Tool
Genesis 1:1-6:8, Finding the Topic Themes of Scripture
Hebrew paragraph divisions
18:1-27 {p} YHVH is greater than all the gods
19:1-25 {s} YHVH descended upon Mt Sinai in fire, to enact the marriage covenant with Israel
20:1 {s} And God spoke all these words, saying
20:2-6 {s} Israel shall have no gods before YHVH
20:7 {p} Israel shall not take the name of YHVH in vain
20:8-11 {s} Remember the Sabbath day to set it apart
20:12 {s} Honor your father and mother
20:13 {s} You shall not murder
20:14 {s} You shall not commit adultery
20:15 {s} You shall not steal
20:16 {s} You shall not bear false witness
20:17a {s} You shall not covet your neighbor’s house
20:17b {p} You shall not covet anything that is your neighbor’s
20:18-21 {s} The fear of God prevents us from sinning (breaking commandment)
20:22-26 {p} Explanation of ‘Have no gods before Me.’
Strong themes of the parashah
18:1-27 {p} YHVH is greater than all the gods
19:1-20:7 {sx3+p} Marriage covenant: how YHVH has loved us + how we love YHVH
20:8-17 {sx7+p} The commandments of God (how we love ourselves and others)
20:18-26 {s+p} The fear of God helps us keep His commandments
Exodus 18:1-20:26 Triennial Torah portions
18:1-27, Triennial Yitro, “Jethro”
19:1-25, Triennial Bachodesh hashlishi, “In the third month”
20:1-26, Triennial Vayedaber Elohiym, “And spoke God”
Exodus 18:1-20:26 Chiastic structure
Download the fully expanded Exodus 18:1-20:26 Yitro chiasm pdf.
Theme of the parashah
We love Him, because He first loved us/ Our relationship with God balances love and grace, fear and obedience.
Finding Messiah in Yitro
Additional readings for this parashah
Isa 6:1-7:6, 9:5-6 (my notes, and here, and here) | Mat 19:16-26 (my notes)
Studies in Yitro
Exodus 18, Bible for Beginners
Exodus 18:20-23, Able men
Exodus 18:1-27, Chiastic structure
Exodus 19, Bible for Beginners
Exodus 19, Setting bounds around the mountain
Exodus 19, Hebrew roots
Exodus 19:1-20:7, Strong theme
Exodus 20, Bible for Beginners
Exodus 20:1, And God spoke
Exodus 20:2-3, The 1st commandment
Exodus 20:4-6, The 2nd commandment
Exodus 20:7, The 3rd commandment
Exodus 20:8-11, The 4th commandment
Exodus 20:12, The 5th commandment
Exodus 20:13, The 6th commandment
Exodus 20:14, The 7th commandment
Exodus 20:15, The 8th commandment
Exodus 20:16, The 9th commandment
Exodus 20:17, The 10th commandment
The Ten Commandments index of studies
Exodus 20:8-17, Strong theme
Exodus 20:18-21, Chiastic structure
Exodus 20:22-26, Chiastic structure
Exodus 20:22-26, Hebrew roots
Exodus 20:18-26, Strong theme
Further study off site
Yitro – Restoration of Torah
Yitro Torah Pearls – Nehemiah Gordon and Keith Johnson
I shared this item with a Dutch translation in my facebook.
Thank you Ida, may God bless you. – Christine <3
A marriage covenant …love my God
Jethro tells Moses … how to judge Isreal ….devine appointments
this teaching charged my thoughts
hugs dear heart
So happy to hear that God blessed you. <3