The Weekly Standard explores what fathers do best (Broken link, active June 17, 2005) (hint: its not the same as mothers). Phyllis Schlafly asks what have feminists done to America’s fathers in the current edition of Human Events, and a new Justice Department report released this week cuts the legs out from under the feminists’ contention that patriarchy is a danger to society. National Review discusses the implications of father absence on children and society, and the American Thinker adds that fathers keep society safe in three important ways: by promoting the safety of children; by promoting the safety of society from feral children; and by protecting society from feral government.
Happy Father’s Day to our hard-working, long-suffering husbands and fathers. Be honored, for fatherhood is God’s favorite way of identifying Himself when He wants to show the depth of His love for us. Masculinity is a blessing, authority is a blessing, boundaries are a blessing, responsibility, provision, protection, and compassion are blessings. Thank you, Lord, for our fathers.
adegrasse says
Thank the Lord for Fathers!