… to the love of my life.
We just celebrated our wedding anniversary, and my hubs and I were talking about how often people comment that it is unusual these days for anyone to be married over 40 years. We do have a key:
Every morning, when we get up, we ask ourselves: What can I do to make my wife happy today? What can I do to make my husband happy today? And then we do it! It is a recipe for enduring happiness.
We did not start out with that key. We had to learn it, through many trials. And what if your spouse does not ask that question every morning?
There is another key of biblical wisdom:
Did you know that what you sow, you reap? Even if you are the only one asking that question, sow it. Do it. In due season, you also shall reap what you have sown, if you do not lose heart or give up. It really is that simple!
to be married that long.
Thank you for this insight.
We also hear the comment..
It’s unusual for a couple
September will be 46 years for us, also through trials and joys.
Never too old to add a good practice to the relationship.
Thank you Eileen, for visiting today. I appreciate you!
Congratulations on your 41st wedding anniversary. My husband and I celebrated our 42nd earlier this year. Yes, there have been ups and downs during that time but praise the LORD that we are still here together.
Thank you Christine for your lovely website. I have just discovered it and have some exploring to do.
May God continue to richly bless you, your husband and your ministry.