Gaza has fallen to Hamas. Hamas is a terrorist group whose stated purpose is to erase Israel from the map (even though some blind Westerners state it is not, Egypt — and Israel — know better). How can the Palestinians now have their own state, something our administration wants, when we would then have state- sponsored terrorism? I do feel compassion for the Palestinians and all who have died over the past few weeks of fighting. But Hamas gained power by democratically held elections. The Palestinians elected the people who are now murdering them. Thus we see the folly of democray; liberty does not automatically follow democracy, as the administration has been saying, but “Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.” Liberty follows democracy in the United States, because of the great numbers of Christians listening to the Spirit of the Lord who live here. Liberty follows democracy in Israel, because of the Spirit of the Lord who is there. But in Gaza, there is only a small presence of Christians; their church is constantly under threat, and I fear that Hamas will not have mercy on Palestinians who are Christians. See how little mercy they have had on Palestinians who are fellow Muslims.
So to fix the mess in the Middle East, the United States ought to be funding missionaries, Bible schools, Bibles, and native missionary and pastor training, if they want democracy in the Middle East which leads to peace and not terrorism. For only where the Spirit of the Lord is, will there be liberty. Of course, the ACLU, the Supreme Court, Congress, and who knows who else would howl bloodly murder if that course of action, the only one guaranteed to succeed, were followed.
Anonymous says