The truth is, God has forgiven me for my sins, forgetting them and not holding them over my head. He does not resent me, but has given up His claim for return compensation, (since my sin incurred a debt toward Him). He has freely canceled that debt. I did not merit His forgiveness by works, but because the Lord is gracious, longsuffering, and abundant in mercy and lovingkindness, He has forgiven me. This is the truth that the Bible teaches. When I refuse to forgive myself or others, I elevate my flawed human judgment above the just and righteous judgment of God. Thoughts and feelings of guilt, once we have repented and turned from our sins, are lies which the enemy lies to us. We do not have to accept those lies. We can reject the lies and believe the truth instead.
This is how I trained my heart and mind to receive and believe the truth:
“I am feeling __the guilt of my sin__, but it is only a feeling brought on by my past. It is not a true reflection of my current reality. My reality is determined by the word of God, and this is what it says: __repeat Scripture__.”
Download the truth trainer graphic to keep on your phone
The word of God is powerful, living and active, the weapon of our warfare which is effective against all the lies of the enemy and mighty to tear down strongholds (2 Cor 10:4).
(Our daughter is visiting us this week and next from out of state. We don’t get to see her very often, so I will resume the chapter study through the New Testament when she goes home. In the mean time, please enjoy and share these Scripture pictures as you tear down strongholds of the enemy’s lies in your heart and mind, and replace them with strongholds of truth.)
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