If God’s word is true, how do I help myself believe the truth from the heart, and not be filled with doubts all the time? If God’s word is true, why don’t I feel the positive things the word describes for believers? Keep reading:
why don’t I feel God? 2005 sep 18
feelings, the unreliable barometer 2005 nov 02
the spirit, soul, and body connection 2005 nov 03
the mind and heart connection 2005 nov 08
the battleground of the mind 2005 nov 11
it builds character 2005 nov 14
lies are not harmless 2005 nov 15
truth sets us free 2005 nov 16
tearing down strongholds 2005 nov 17
establishing a stronghold of truth 2005 nov 18
training our hearts in truth 2005 nov 21
practical considerations 2005 nov 22
rabbit trail one: God’s word applies to me 2005 nov 22
rabbit trail two: God’s word is unfailing 2005 nov 28
thirty minutes a day can change your life 2005 dec 02
thirty minutes a day, day two 2005 dec 06
thirty minutes a day, days three and four 2005 dec 07
thirty minutes a day, day five 2005 dec 12
there is too much, let me sum up 2005 dec 16
Wonderful information in this post, sister!! Thank you for sharing this very important information on how to take every thought captive for Messiah 🙂
Thank you very much for your kind words, Tammy. <3
Hi Christine,
I was wondering if you are planning on releasing your book Walk In Truth? I used the handout from last years homeschool conference everyday and I am looking forward to your book. Thank you for all that you do! Shalom
Hi, Crystal, Yes, the plan is to release it. I was working on formatting it for printing when my husband suffered his heart attack. He has been hospitalized three times since and we are still working on his recovery. I hope to get back to it as soon as I can return to writing more regularly.
Praying YeHoVaH healing and peace.
Thank you Tammy!