1 c milk
1 T dark cocoa powder
1/2 tsp honey
1/4 tsp vanilla
dash cinnamon
Pour 1/4 c of the milk into a 1 cup glass measuring cup. Heat in the microwave for 30 seconds, or in a small saucepan on the stove until just barely steaming. Stir the cocoa powder and honey into the milk until melted together. Pour in the rest of the milk, and heat another 1 minute 30 seconds, or until steaming. Stir in the vanilla and the cinnamon. Pour into a mug, and top off with a little cream or whipped cream. Yum! The vanilla and cinnamon add sweetness without adding sugar, which allows less sweetener to be used. Makes 1 serving; multiply for as many servings as needed.
Sugar restrictions: I used one packet of stevia in place of the honey. The hot chocolate is not sweet, it is very dark with one packet of stevia. But I like dark chocolate.