As many of you know, I had to suspend my daily study / writing to earn some immediate income to help cover our hurricane rebuilding costs. My husband and I evacuated Florida in the first week of September ahead of Hurricane Irma, to stay in Colorado with family until the storm went by. My husband flew home immediately after the storm to begin clearing out the debris and damage to our home, while I stayed in Colorado as our home was not inhabitable. Our goal was to finish repairs by Thanksgiving so that I could return home, but the task was too great. My husband came out to Colorado for Thanksgiving, and then returned home alone to continue the work. Here is the latest picture of the progress taken right before he left for Thanksgiving:
All the exterior wall work is nearly finished, the new roof installed, the interior walls in the front of the house which took the most damage have been rebuilt, and now the interior walls in the rest of the house are being rebuilt. And that is the repaired subfloor in the photo. Now the new floor can be put down. Our revised goal is to complete the work by the new year so that I can return home. We will see if it can happen!
Would you consider sharing our Go Fund Me? The cost of repairs is the only thing preventing us from completing the work more quickly.
I will continue working on the cost of recovery until I can get back home. After that, the daily Bible study posts, Shabbat Prophetic posts, and other posts can resume. Thank you for hanging in with me and being patient with me!
I am so thankful for the Lord’s help in all this! Thank you too, for praying for us, sharing our story, and helping out here and there when possible! We appreciate you so very much!
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