january 2020 bible reading schedule Bible Study 31 Dec 2019 january 2020 day old test. psa, pro new test. torah 1 gen 1-2 psa 1 mat 1 2 gen 3-4 psa 2 mat 2 3 gen 5-6 psa 3 mat 3 4 shabbat gen 7-8 psa 4 ann: vayigash, gen 44:18-47:27 tri: vayomer eleichem, gen 42:18-43:23 5 gen 9-10 psa 5 6 gen 11-12 psa 6 mat 4 7 job 1-2 psa 7 mat 5 8 job 3-4 psa 8 mat 6 9 job 5-6 psa 9 mat 7 10 job 7-8 psa 10 mat 8 11 shabbat job 9-10 psa 11 ann: vayechi, gen 47:28-50:26 tri: vayavei ha-ish, gen 43:24-44:17 12 job 11-12 psa 12 13 job 13-14 psa 13 mat 9 14 job 15-16 psa 14 mat 10 15 job 17-18 psa 15 mat 11 16 job 19-20 psa 16 mat 12 17 job 21-22 psa 17 mat 13 18 shabbat job 23-24 psa 18 ann: shemot, exo 1:1-6:1 tri: vayigash, gen 44:18-46:27 19 job 25-26 psa 19 20 job 27-28 psa 20 mat 14 21 job 29-30 psa 21 mat 15 22 job 31-32 psa 22 mat 16 23 job 33-34 psa 23 mat 17 24 job 35-36 psa 24 mat 18 25 shabbat job 37-38 psa 25 ann: va’era, exo 6:2-9:35 tri: yehudah shalach, gen 46:28-47:27 26 new moon projected job 39-40 psa 26 27 job 41-42 psa 27 mat 19 28 gen 13-14 psa 28 mat 20 29 gen 15-16 psa 29 mat 21 30 gen 17-18 psa 30 mat 22 31 gen 19-20 psa 31 mat 23 2020 reading schedule february ⇒ one year reading schedule
Anthony says 2 January 2020 at 1:13 am Thank you for this help in being successful in reading Gods word faithfully. Reply
christine says 2 January 2020 at 6:25 am You are so very welcome Anthony! May grace and blessing abound to you as you study – please do come back again! Reply
christine says 14 January 2020 at 8:13 am Hi Richard, I don’t have a pdf just for January, but the 2020 whole year pdfs can be downloaded here: http://alittleperspective.com/2020-bible-reading-plan/ Please do come back again! Reply
Anthony says
Thank you for this help in being successful in reading Gods word faithfully.
christine says
You are so very welcome Anthony! May grace and blessing abound to you as you study – please do come back again!
Richard Lichapa says
can you send the pdf please
christine says
Hi Richard, I don’t have a pdf just for January, but the 2020 whole year pdfs can be downloaded here:
Please do come back again!