Today’s Hebrew Testament chronological reading is in 1 Kings 19 and 20.
The Psalms/ Proverbs reading is in Psalm 24.
The Greek Testament reading is in 1 Corinthians 16.
Essential studies.
1 Kings 19 and 20, Strong themes, and chiastic structure
Psalm 24, Chiastic structure (Additional studies: Psalms Book One (1-41) Index)
He who is king has both the right and the responsibility to exercise authority. That He has the right means that when He gives a commandment it ought to be obeyed by those under His authority. The one who does not obey the king, has placed himself outside the law – he is an outlaw, then, and has removed himself from the rights and protections of citizenship in the kingdom. That He has the responsibility means that He exercises His authority in order to care for, bless, and protect those who are subject to Him and who depend on Him. Only man uses rulership in order to oppress those subject to him and to be served by those who depend on him. So, let the gates and ancient doors recognize their King, and admit Him in His great glory!
1 Corinthians 16, And the chiastic structure for the book of 1 Corinthians
Three-year Bible.
The three-year plan is here.
Today’s reading is in Hebrews 11.
Suggested study: Hebrews 11, Bible for Beginners.
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