Things go wrong in this life. First of all, I live in a fallen world, and trouble happens to everyone randomly as sparks from a fire fly upward, including me. Secondly, I share this planet with other human beings who may do wrong things against others, including me. Thirdly, I have made in the past (and may make in the future, although I hope not) foolish decisions and also acted foolishly, both of which do not happen in a vacuum. Decisions and actions have consequences, and the consequences of folly are negative. Those consequences are not erased like magic just because I am a child of God (although sometimes, because He is good and loves me, He steps in and turns things around for me). So when the negative and the cursing happens to me, what does God do? He blesses me. When the trials come up, what do the servants of God do? They rejoice. May I be counted as one of them, Father! ♥
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