My outline, notes, and chiastic structures (so far) for Luk 1:
Luk 1:1-4, Introduction of Luke’s orderly account to Theophilus;
Luk 1:5-25
1a) Luk 1:5-7, Introduction of Zacharias and Elizabeth + Elizabeth was barren;
1b) Luk 1:8-9, Zacharias’ turn of service to burn incense at the altar of incense inside the temple;
1c) Luk 1:10, And the whole multitude of people was praying outside at the hour of incense;
central axis) Luk 1:11-20, The angel announces the birth of John the Baptist;
2c) Luk 1:21-22, And the people waited + perceived that he had seen a vision in the temple;
2b) Luk 1:23, When his service was completed, he departed to his own house;
2a) Luk 1:24-25, His wife Elizabeth conceived, saying, Thus the Lord has dealt with me.
Luk 1:11-25, The annunciation and conception of John the Baptist:
1.1 Luk 1:11, Then an angel of the Lord appeared to him, standing on the right side of the altar of incense;
1.2 Luk 1:12, When Zacharias saw him, fear fell upon him, and he was troubled;
1.3 Luk 1:13-17, The angel announces the good news of John’s birth;
1.4 Luk 1:18, Zacharias: How shall I believe this? For I am old and my wife is well advanced in years;
1.5 Luk 1:19-22, Gabriel: I was sent to you + you will be mute until these things are fulfilled because you did not believe;
1.6 Luk 1:23, When his service was completed, Zacharias departed to his own house;
1.7 Luk 1:24-25, His wife Elizabeth conceived, saying, Thus the Lord has dealt with me;
Luk 1:26-45, The annunciation and conception of Jesus the Messiah:
2.1 Luk 1:26-28, In the sixth month, the angel Gabriel was sent to Mary, a virgin of the house of David, saying Rejoice;
2.2 Luk 1:29, But when she saw him, she was troubled, and considered what manner of greeting this was;
2.3 Luk 1:30-33, The angel announces the good news of Jesus’ birth;
2.4 Luk 1:34, Mary: How can this be, since I do not know a man?;
2.5 Luk 1:35-38, Gabriel: The Holy Spirit will come upon you + for with God nothing will be impossible;
2.6, Luk 1:39-40, Mary departed and went to Zacharias’ house;
2.7 Luk 1:41-45, His wife Elizabeth perceived the Messiah, saying, Blessed is she who believed;
Luk 1:39-56
1a) Luk 1:39-40, Mary departed and went to Zacharias’ house;
1b) Luk 1:41-45, Elizabeth: Blessed are you, and the fruit of your womb + you believed what the Lord told you;
1c) Luk 1:46-49, He who is mighty, God my Savior, has done great things + regarded my lowly state;
central axis) Luk 1:50, His mercy is on those who fear Him from generation to generation;
2c) Luk 1:51-23, In strength scattered the proud and put down the mighty + exalted the lowly;
2b) Luk 1:54-55, He has helped His servant Israel in remembrance of His mercy as He spoke to Abraham and to his seed;
2a) Luk 1:56, Mary returned to her own house.
Luk 1:41-79
1a) Luk 1:41-45, Filling and prophecy of Elizabeth:
— 1) Luk 1:41, Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit and prophesied saying;
— 2) Luk 1:42-45, Blessed is she who believed that those things which were told her from the Lord will be fulfilled;
1b) Luk 1:46-56, Song of Mary: My soul magnifies the Lord;
central axis) Luk 1:57-63, The birth and naming of John the Baptist;
2b) Luk 1:64-66, Immediately Zacharias’ mouth was opened and his tongue loosed and he spoke, praising God;
2a) Luk 1:67-79, Filling and prophecy of Zacharias:
— 1) Luk 1:67, His father Zacharias was filled with the Holy Spirit and prophesied saying;
— 2) Luk 1:68-79, Blessed is the Lord God of Israel for He has visited and redeemed His people ….
Luk 1:65-80
1a) Luk 1:65-66, Fear fell on all around, saying, What will this child be? And the hand of the Lord was with him;
central axis) Luk 1:67-79, Prophecy of Zacharias: Blessed is the God of Israel who has visited and redeemed His people …;
2a) Luk 1:80, So the child grew and became strong in spirit, and was in the desert until his manifestation to Israel.
For further reading:
luke 1, all things in order (2011)
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