Remember back in the good old days, ten years ago when Classic Christian Homeschoolers was still fairly new on the internet, that our Why We Homeschool site of the month was almost always because the academics in public schools were so dreadful? How we can look upon those times with nostalgic longing! Today, the news is almost always, either that teachers are having [s-x] with students (Broken link, active May 29, 2009), or that the homo[s-x]ual agenda is being shoved down the kids’ throats in the guise of “tolerance” curriculum.
Such it is today. In Alameda county in California, the school board just voted to include a mandatory “gay day” for next years’ K-5 classes, in which special curriculum will teach children that it takes all kinds to make families, with no options for parents to excuse their children because of conflicting religious beliefs. Parents, take your children OUT while you still have the chance!
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