I’ve been updating the unserious senate, unserious press post like mad as new information on that story keeps coming out. I just thought I would draw attention to it. On a related note, does anyone know how to make a post “sticky,” that is, make an old post come to the top when it has been updated, or stay at the top if it needs to? Once I learn how to do that, then all I will need to figure out is trackbacks!
Confessor says
To make the post appear at the top, just edit that post and change the date at the bottom to be today and the time to be now.
Your home blog page is dynamic and builds the list every time it is requested based on the dates of the posts, so this will put an old post at the top of the heap.
All posts are identified by their post ID number (as opposed to date), so it won’t affect anyone getting to it.
Hope that helps!
christinemiller says
Now, you don’t happen to know how to make trackbacks show up, LOL!