Today’s Hebrew Testament chronological reading is in Leviticus 26 and 27.
The Psalms/ Proverbs reading is in Psalm 79.
The Greek Testament reading is in Luke 13.
Essential Studies.
Leviticus Whole Book Chiastic Structure (Additional studies: Leviticus Index)
Psalm 79, Chiastic structure (Additional studies: Psalms Book Three (73-89) Index)
Luke 13, Healing on the Sabbath (Additional studies: Luke Index)
The synagogue ruler equated healing with work. Over time, the Pharisees, chief priests, and other religious leaders added burdens to the Sabbath commandment, so that doing just about anything on the Sabbath came to be prohibited. But God did not prohibit every activity, just the work one does to provide for needs, whether of income, maintaining the household or property or business, or other “daily toil” as the result of Adam’s sin (Gen 3:17-19). The Sabbath is a gift of grace, a respite from the daily toil of life, a lifting of the consequence of our sin. Now we have a day, instead of being consumed with pursuing responsibilities, we may be consumed with pursuing Him. And that is what everyone in the town was doing, by being in the synagogue on the Sabbath.
Yeshua “loosed” the Sabbath commandment from the “bonds” in which the religious leaders had entangled it. ♥
Three-year Bible.
The three-year plan is here.
Today’s reading is in 1 Kings 16.
Suggested study: 1 Kings 16, Bible for Beginners.
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