Today’s Hebrew Testament chronological reading is in Numbers 1 and 2.
The Psalms/ Proverbs reading is in Psalm 80.
The Greek Testament reading is in Luke 14.
Essential Studies.
Numbers 1, Preparing for battle (Additional studies: Numbers Index)
The Torah is a book of history-prophecy. It is true history, that also prophesies to us of spiritual truths and realities for our day, according to the teaching tool of History That Prophesies. The history of this chapter, is that He prepared Israel for war. The prophecy of this chapter, is that we also are in a war, we also have to fight and wage war to inherit our promise. God is not just going to blast all our enemies (principalities and powers of wickedness, Eph 6:12) so we enter in to our promise unopposed. Torah is going to teach us how to prepare for and wage war. The first thing we learn, is, MEN, prepare yourselves for battle! The men in the kingdom of God are on the front lines. Do you ever wonder why so many women are called to be intercessors? Women are not on the front lines. Also, the men are 20 years old and upwards. Children are not on the front lines. This destroys the common argument that Christian parents give for sending their children to the cesspool of public school in order to act as lights in the darkness. We are to protect our children from war, not throw them in the thick of it.
Psalm 80, Reverse parallelism (Additional studies: Psalms Book Three (73-89) Index)
Luke 14, Fruit, the evidence of the kingdom (Additional studies: Luke Index)
Three-year Bible.
The three-year plan is here.
Today’s reading is in 1 Kings 17.
Suggested study: 1 Kings 17, Bible for Beginners.
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