The first occurrence.
And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after its kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so. Gen 1:11
The primitive root.
Strong’s H4327 מין miyn, a concrete noun meaning, “a species;” from an unnamed, unused primitive root meaning, “to portion out.” The 3 letters of the noun are mem + yud + nun.
mem מ ם = the water, thus chaos, mighty, blood
yud י = the closed hand, thus work, throw, worship
nun נ ן = the seed, thus continue, heir, son
The story: The blood (mem) is passed (yud, in the sense that what is thrown is passed to another) down to the next generation (nun). The Hebrew preposition “from” is noted by the mem affixed to the noun, understood in this context.
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