God will speak
The importance of the plumb line
Learning to listen
I learned the value of daily journaling from Doug Addison (I subscribe to his daily tweets of encouraging words from the Lord). He has a prophetic gift and ministry of dream and tattoo interpretation, which is advancing the Kingdom and God’s love in amazing ways among those who are typically way outside the church walls.
This is now the third year I have kept a daily journal, and I recommend it highly. God is constantly speaking to each one of us, but we are often so busy in our lives, that we don’t have our antennae turned in to hear Him. Journaling is a tool I use to tune in my antennae more productively.
This is what I do. If I have had a dream during the night that I remember, I record it in my journal. I am sure I dream every night, but I only remember those with spiritual significance. I usually cannot make heads or tails of them, but I call my sister (her strong gift is discernment) and she can usually tell me right then what it means. We minister to each other in that way, and perhaps God has put someone in your life, too, who is tuned in to the things that have to do with you. Much of the symbolism in dreams mirrors the symbolism in prophetic Scripture, something I have been increasing in understanding of in recent years.
I begin my prayer time with my journal open. I pattern my prayers on the Lord’s Prayer, but try not to be insensitive to the direction the Holy Spirit wants to take me each day. If something is highlighted for me in my prayers, or I receive clearer insight to pray more effectively for someone, I write it in my journal.
If there is an ongoing problem or struggle I am facing, I keep a record of it in my journal. I make a note of my Bible studies each day, what Scripture pictures I post, what I heard that was significant to me during church. Also, if someone prays for me or over me, and speaks an encouraging word to me in it, I add it to my journal. I record Doug Addison’s daily tweets, and also if I run across anything that jumps out at me throughout the day, I add it. Most of the time I do not know why it is significant right then – I just know it is jumping out at me for some reason. Don’t be afraid to write down something you do not immediately understand. You are recording bits and puzzle pieces that God wants to use later to paint a beautiful picture.
The greatest benefit I have received from my journal, hands down, is in going back weekly or monthly and reviewing what was being said. So often there is a pattern or theme, something that God keeps highlighting over and over, that becomes visible upon review. What do you know, I often discover that God has been speaking specific wisdom for my specific situation in these repeated themes.
This morning I was also blessed in a different way. Last week, Doug Addison shared what he believed God was revealing to him that was significant for 2014. He said God was going to fulfill in 2014, things He spoke in 2009 that had been delayed in their fulfillment. I wasn’t keeping a daily journal in 2009, but I had a few notes I had jotted down in my prayer box from that year. Wow, when I went back and dug those notes out, I was floored to discover that there was a consistent message of encouragement that blessed me, that I needed to hear this week. I also discovered, once I saw it, that same message had been repeated to me in various ways during the past five years.
Be blessed with greater encouragement and revelation from God this year – try keeping a journal. ♥
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