A common sentiment that comes through my correspondence is this:
“I’m just feeling like I’m failing and not really honoring YHWH with my pitiful efforts.”
Have you ever felt that way? I know I have. I think making us feel discouraged because are not able to do it all every week is something the enemy uses to try to rob us of our joy in what should be a season of joy and rejoicing.
When I am in my own home, some weeks I am able to do a whole big feast meal and have all the family over, and some weeks my husband and I grab some Chipotle on our way to the beach to watch the sun set. I find when I look to YHVH with true gratefulness for what was actually accomplished that week, and invite His presence to join us as we trust, rest, and rejoice in His goodness and provision for us, His presence, His peace, and His joy shows up to bless our setting apart of the day.
In whatever you do to set apart the day as holy, Keep Looking Up!
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