According to the Scripture, Pentecost is a harvest festival. Three of the seven feast days of the Lord are harvest festivals. Harvest always symbolizes the ingathering of souls, the salvation of people who are freed from the chains and bondage in which they were kept in the kingdom of darkness. On the first harvest festival, Firstfruits, Jesus rose from the dead. He was the first to be freed from death.
The third harvest festival is Tabernacles, which is the huge celebration, the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, which occurs at the Lord’s return. Of course we can see how that festival represents freedom from death, because at the Lord’s return, He will take up His kingship, and the entire earth will be subject to Him for one thousand years. But His reign will be a reign of life and peace. The enemy will be kept in prison and unable to work for that whole time. It will be the millennium of rest, after six millennia of man lording it over man in the kingdoms of this world.
So that just leaves Pentecost, or Weeks, the lonely harvest festival in the middle of the two, between the Resurrection of Jesus Christ on one side, and the Return of Jesus Christ on the other side. What harvest of souls, what freedom from death, is occurring between Christ’s Resurrection and His Return? That is us, people! The Church! The Bride! Pentecost celebrates her new life, her deliverance, her translation from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of His dear Son, her empowerment by the Holy Spirit to walk in newness of life, her sanctification!
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