Read Revelation 6 at Bible Gateway.
Rev 5:13-6:17 chiastic structure
1a) Rev 5:13-14, Every created thing in heaven, on earth, under earth, in sea: “To Him who sits on the throne + to the Lamb be blessing, honor, glory, dominion, forever + ever! Amen!” The 4 living creatures: Amen/ elders fell down + worshiped;
1b) Rev 6:1-8, The Lamb opens the first four seals;
1a) Rev 6:1-2, The white horse comes conquering;
shm1b) Rev 6:3-4, The red horse comes taking peace from the earth;
shm2b) Rev 6:5-6, The black horse comes taking prosperity from the earth;
2a) Rev 6:7-8, The pale horse comes killing;
1c) Rev 6:9, Fifth seal: souls who had been killed for the Word of God + testimony of the Lamb;
central axis) Rev 6:10, They cried with a loud voice, saying, “How long, Master, the holy and true, until You judge and avenge our blood on those who dwell on the earth?”
2c) Rev 6:11, Rest until their fellow servants + brothers, who would also be killed, should complete their course;
2b) Rev 6:12-16a, The Lamb opens the sixth seal;
1a) Rev 6:12-13, Eclipse of sun + moon/ stars of the sky fell to the earth;
shm1b) Rev 6:14a, The sky was removed like a scroll when it is rolled up;
shm2b) Rev 6:14b-15, Every mountain + island were moved/ inhabitants of earth hid themselves;
2a) Rev 6:16a, They implored the mountains + rocks: Fall on us;
2a) Rev 6:16b-17, Hide us from the face of Him who sits on the throne + the wrath of the Lamb, for the great day of His wrath has come; and who is able to stand?”
My Revelation 6 notes:
Revelation 6, The first six seals
Revelation 6, The second seal
Revelation 6, The third seal
Revelation 6, The fourth seal
Revelation 6, The fifth seal
Revelation 6, The sixth seal: The great earthquake
Revelation 6, The sixth seal: Sun and moon in eclipse
Revelation 6, The sixth seal: Stars from heaven fallen
Revelation 6, The sixth seal: Mountains and islands removed
Christine’s book The Revelation of Jesus Christ Revealed, based on these studies but greatly expanded, is now available from Nothing New Press. You may also be interested in reading the Book Extras and joining in on the Discussion.
As well, Revelation in Chiastic Structure is also available.
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