may 7-13 scripture picture chiastic structure
A.2b pair: This puzzled me at first, because the two pairs do not seem at first to pair. But of the complex structure which surrounds it, there can be no doubt; it cannot pair any other way, and the surrounding elements force the A.2b pairs together. I realized that the Lord was emphasizing, that the children of Israel in the 1A.2b pair, pair with those who keep the faith of Jesus, and obey the commandments of God in the 2A.2b pair (Rev 14:12). Those who are of the circumcised flesh (1A) are the natural picture which points to the circumcised heart (2A). Again, the natural olive tree of Israel (1A) accepts the wild olive tree branches (2A) which are grafted in with her (Rom 11:17).
A2.c pair: Being baptized with the Holy Spirit and fire is the spiritual reality to which the natural picture of the bush burning with fire but not consumed, points.
D pair: Moses as a type of Messiah illustrates for the purpose of the structure, our High Priest who can sympathize with our weaknesses.
shabbat prophetic message
I am not ashamed to be called your God, despite weaknesses and sins. I took on your weaknesses and your sins, and have compassion for you. I have prepared a place for you. You are citizens of My kingdom, where I am your King, ruling justly; for righteousness and justice are the foundation of My throne; mercy and truth go before My face (Psa 89:14). But I am also your Father, and you are My children. I love you! I have joined you to My household through the Door of Messiah Yeshua, both Israel and Gentile; the one God has one kingdom and one household, and His people are one people in His hand. They enter through the Door, and find pasture; they keep the faith of Yeshua and walk in My ways expressed by My Torah (Rev 14:12). Sing and rejoice, and sing praises! For behold, I am coming to you, and will dwell in your midst!
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