july 09-15 scripture picture chiastic structure
A great repentance is coming. Yeshua came to call the sinners, those who despise the Law of YHVH and who do not keep His commandments, to repentance. His Body has been sick with the lie that faith does not need works, but He is now calling His body to repentance. Even though His children have been told lies which led them astray, both they and their fathers; because He loves them, He will lead them and direct their steps to return to Him. He will redeem them from the lies their fathers followed and He will restore them to wellness. He will receive them, and He will take care of those He receives. Then they will be happy, knowing their sin is forgiven, and they will be holy, remembering His festival days. Then they will be blessed, knowing that the first resurrection which is coming is their new-birth right. He is coming to reign, and they shall reign with Him. They will humble themselves when the Lord fights for them, saying, “I am not worthy of the mercies and truth which You have shown Your servant; but You alone are worthy, O Yehovah, whose name is excellent in all the earth, whose glory is above the heavens!”
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