There were Scriptures at the end of the week as a loose end; they were moved to next week’s set of Shabbat Prophetic Scriptures. There is an outlier this week, but I have already seen a possible outlier with next week’s Scriptures with a similar message. It is possible these two weeks are meant to join together … so we will see.
Our focus in this season: 1) the written Word, the whole of it from Genesis to Revelation, reading it, learning it, doing it; and 2) the living Word, our Good Shepherd and Redeemer, spending time with Him to know Him. He builds us up and upholds us in this life. He strengthens us in our weaknesses, to help us overcome our weaknesses, to work the steadfastness within us that we will need in the season ahead. I love You, my Rock, my Fortress, and my Deliverer!
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