I don’t listen to the radio very often, but I caught 20 minutes of Glenn Beck this morning while I was driving. He was talking about some of the ways that the Constitution is being completely disregarded in Washington. The biggest, of course, is the fact that Obama was sworn in without a verified US birth certificate. But then there were things like voting in a new representative for Washington DC a year before the US Census is due to be taken … because the new DC representative would be a Democrat and add to the Democratic majority in Congress. There were more egregious examples, but I can’t remember them all at the moment.
But there are signs that Americans are starting to fight back, not lay down and take all the violations of the Constitution. 3,000 people a day are signing a petition demanding all relevant authorities to verify the president’s eligibility to serve as President. The state of Oklahoma this afternoon passed sovereignty legislation asserting their Constitutionally- protected right to reserve to the state any and all powers not specifically delegated to the federal government, and many more states are in the process of doing the same.
Of course, last week the call went out for a new tea party, and the idea has gained legs since. And soldiers are starting to refuse to follow the president’s orders, citing their duty to do so in order to uphold their sworn oath to the Constitution, since the president has not been Constitutionally verified as eligible.
My husband and I pray for the president and Congress every day. We are called to show honor to whom honor is due, and to pray for our leaders. So we pray for the blessing of truth to be revealed to their hearts and minds in all that they do, and for the blessing of wisdom and the fear of the Lord to cover their hearts and minds, and for the blessing of godly repentance to be revealed to their hearts and minds in all areas that they need to repent of. With man, this is impossible, but with God, all things are possible. I have hope. 🙂
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