This normally doesn’t happen to us here in Colorado. We get a snowstorm in the winter, things are icky for a day or two, then the sun comes out and the snow melts. We do not have accumulation, except in the mountains. This is not upstate New York, where my dh was raised, where the ground would disappear under a blanket of snow in November, and you wouldn’t see it again until April. In Colorado, we have sunny, 60 degree days throughout the winter. But, we just got snowed in again, with several feet of snow from the last storm still covering the ground. My dh and son have been shoveling our walk, but if they hadn’t, the snow would be half way up our front door this morning.
The good news is that we still have power, it is the holidays, so business is slower anyway, and maybe all this snow will go a long way toward eradicating the pesky drought that has been plaguing our state. I am going to put some bean soup in my stockpot on the stove, and then bake today. And when I get tired of that, I will sew, Lord willing. Snow days are fun, if you don’t have to travel.
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