Now that the Supreme Court has declined to hear the November 3rd election fraud cases, what happens? First of all, they should have heard it. It is for these flagrant violations of the Constitution that the Supreme Court exists. Justice Thomas calls the SCOTUS decline “inexplicable.”
Justice Clarence Thomas’ dissent
Now every Constitutional avenue to redress the greatest criminal fraud in the history of our country has been exhausted, save one.
(Source: Q post 26).
The military.
11.3, Election day, has now been verified as the first marker of complete Constitutional breakdown in our country.
How they will do it is a bit of an unknown, since the level of criminality on the part of the perpetrators is untoward, and the level of willful or criminal negligence on the part of our Constitutional protectors is untoward. And, they are always tight-lipped about their strategies.
But, they hold their oath to defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic, sacred.
And unlike politicians or judges who may have taken bribes of one kind or another to ignore their oath, the grunts on the ground have, for the most part, not been so compromised.
One possibility: The Continuity of Government Scenario
And something else to consider. There is a growing body of evidence that the Military does not consider the fake president to be the legitimate Commander in Chief.
Military snubs Sleepy Joe at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier
And there are more on my Gab timeline, as I have been noting them all along.
A parting thought: Kim Clement, who delivered the most detailed prophecies of what are now considered the Trump administration fulfillment, did prophesy of the time of two presidents.
Take heart – God is on His throne and in control!
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