A uniformed national guardsman was walking to a convenience store earlier this week, in the Pacific Northwest, when a car with five people stopped alongside him, asked about his military service, called him a “baby killer” and other insults, beat him and drove off. The police are looking for the five men. Michelle Malkin has the story and updates. Why do anti- war protestors protest the war because they are against violence, and then carry out such violent acts?
I was outraged to hear this! It is puzzling that they use violence to protest it. Sometimes it would seem that anger and hatred blind us from seeing things logically. My prayers are with this man and all those who have been touched and outraged by these events. Thanks for sharing.
I think you are right about anger and hatred blinding us to see things rationally. Peace activists did not protest the war America carried out against Kosovo, but they do this one against Iraq — after we were attacked on our own soil, and nearly 3000 of us killed in cold blood! It is my belief that they are not anti- war, they are anti- America or anti- Republican or anti- conservative or anti- God, but they are not anti- war. Love Christine