We were going to fly to Florida for Christmas to spend the holidays
with my husband’s family. But after reading these headlines:
Packed jet kept on runway for seven hours (Broken link, active August 25, 2006)
Two jets diverted for security reasons
Dynamite found in checked bag at Houston airport (Broken link, active August 25, 2006)
Security incidents plague airlines (Broken link, active August 25, 2006)
I think we will drive instead. Yes, it is a very long way, but it will cost about the same, and we can enjoy the beautiful heartland scenery on the way. Oh, and no lines, security check ins, body cavity searches, or terrorist worries; so that is a win.
My word!!! It makes me glad that my best friend and I decided to Greyhound our way from Miami to Atlanta next week for our vacation. Plane tickets would’ve cost only $60 more apiece, but clearly it’s not worth it!
We are due to go to FL for Christmas this year too. Driving from Oregon would be a bit challenging… between the airplane scares and the cost (last time we looked it was about $800 per person; we are a family of 4) it seems Christmas might not work out the way we planned this year…
We have become drives too. Flying is just too much trouble. Plus, you get to know your kids really well when your locked up in the car with them!
Have a great trip!