It was the beginning of day 3 of the Feast of Tabernacles. My husband and I tag teamed making dinner, and my daughter and son- in- law came over and feasted with us. We visited afterward, my daughter worked on the hand sewing on her pony plushies, and I got caught up with my facebook friends on my laptop.
I do not need to watch the debate to decide who to vote for. The current regime did not earn my vote last time and certainly nothing has happened to change that assessment. I did read my twitter feed this morning though for the recap. (I really am not trying to be flippant. Life is too short, though, for me to spend my time or energy fretting over the news. I have made a choice to feed my heart and mind on that which is of a good report.)
Here are some of the best one liners:
Robert Irvine @robertirvine1: Instead of watching two guys make promises to save small business, watch me ACTUALLY do it! #restaurantimpossible
davidfrum @davidfrum Jim Lehrer. Because you have to be 80 to remember when the news tried to be fair.
Brian Sack @brian_sack Each candidate gets two minutes to avoid answering the question.
David Burge @iowahawkblog THOSE WHO ARE ABOUT TO SPIN WE SALUTE YOU #SPQR #breadandcircus
Billy Hallowell @BillyHallowell “I’ve got five boys. I’m used to people saying things that just aren’t true.” -Romney on Obama #Debates
nickgillespie @nickgillespie We need to minimize the maximifications of the absolute level of mumbojumbery. Or else, fiscal cliff up the ying yang! #debates
John Podhoretz @jpodhoretz Lehrer sounding like Charlie Brown’s teacher
Herman Cain @THEHermanCain At this point Obama has got to be desperately scanning the room for his teleprompter…
Brian Sack @brian_sack I think the lesson here is don’t work on your 20th wedding anniversary or you’ll be distracted by your pending doom.
Dana Loesch @DLoesch Obama needs to phone a friend right now.
dazeofadventure @dazeofadventure Ready, aim…. RT @ageekmom: Oh please… I just want to throw water balloons at all three of them. #Debate2012
S.E. Cupp @secupp When Romney interrupts Obama, Obama almost seems relieved.
Brian Sack @brian_sack Seal Team Six needs to deploy on his podium and kill whatever’s captured his attention all night.
STU BURGUIERE @StuOnTheBlaze Guys. Van fricking Jones is saying Romney won. Van fricking Jones. Van. Fricking. Jones.
TheBlaze @theblaze Landslide: 67 Percent of Registered Voters Say Romney Won Debate, CNN Poll Reveals
So I think I have a pretty good idea of how the evening went …
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