Quite a sensational news article hit the internet this morning: Scientists Unveil Missing Link in Evolution. They mean, the missing link between humans and primates. How did they accomplish this feat, that darwinsists have been dreaming of for over 150 years? They found the fossil of an extinct lemur- like primate, and have decided that since, they believe, it shares a common ancestor with modern primates, that they have found the missing link between primates and humans.
Did you notice the leap of faith too, in which they might have found evidence for a common ancestor between modern lemurs and modern primates, however the explanation of how that proves a common ancestor between primates and humans remains cloudy?
Well, since they ASSUME primates and humans have a common ancestor, finding a common ancestor between lemurs and primates PROVES it! Such is the twisted logic of the modern evolutionist … they want to find what they want to find sooo bad, that any incredibly thin straw will suffice.
So two comments about how this news story is presented to the public. First, it is LONG, like reading a dissertation in itself. And dry, and technical. It almost makes you wonder if the decision was made to put a technical and scientific- sounding article up, with a compelling headline, and then make it so interminable and convoluted, that 98% of Joe Public will give up on actually trying to read or understand the thing after a few paragraphs — thus only retaining the sensational headline, as fact. They draw your conclusion for you by making it incredibly difficult for anyone with average intelligence to draw their own conclusion.
Second, the first commenter on the article was Ken H., and his lucid response pointing out the logical inconsistencies and errors made in coming to the conclusion the article states, took the scientific legs right out from under the erroneous claims. My son sent me the link to the article, directing me to look for Ken H.’s comment. He said, “I wonder if its Ken Ham (of the great ministry, Answers in Genesis). By the time I clicked on the article, the powers that be had deleted Ken H.’s comment, and I could not read it, other than to report on it through my son’s witness, who did read it. But the proof remains that Ken H. left a comment: another poster a little later begins his comment with, “I agree with Ken H. …” I wonder how long it will take them to excise THAT comment too.
So here is the nature of the thought controllers. They are obviously NOT certain at all that their claim that they have found the missing link is true. How can I say that? Truth reveals its nature under examination and criticism. That is why they cross examine witnesses in murder trials. But if someone is trying to put forward a FALSE claim, then every criticism of that claim must be suppressed, deleted, and censored, because criticism reveals the falsity of the false claim, just as it would reveal the truth of the true claim. If the claim were true, they would let the criticism of it stand, because the criticism would only highlight its truth. But since it is false, they must censor all dissenting viewpoints. Thus the deletion of Ken H.’s comment.
Oh … Answers in Genesis had heard about this claim and reported on what they knew of it before it was publicly revealed. I am sure that now that it has been made public, they will soon devote a full article to it — I’ll keep checking and post a link for you as soon as they do.
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