MSG, monosodium glutamate, is a flavor- enhancer added to most commercially prepared foods. It is also an excitotoxin. That is how it enhances flavor, by manipulating flavor receptors in the brain.
What is MSG?
Am I MSG sensitive?
Gluten intolerance and MSG
The MSG link to obesity and insulin resistance
Body systems affected by MSG
Disease states affected by MSG
Excitotoxins and Neurodegeneration by Russell L. Blaylock, M.D.
Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills by Russell L. Blaylock, M.D.
I discovered I am MSG sensitive through gluten intolerance and migraines. MSG is added to almost all commercially prepared foods. I have found it in almost all condiments, packaged snacks, and convenience foods. MSG is even sprayed on conventionally raised crops in the field! This is why I am learning to make my own condiments from scratch, and buy only organic produce.
MSG hidden in ingredient labels
What foods to avoid to avoid MSG
American Restaurant Syndrome
For more information on MSG:
Migraines and MSG
MSG Truth
No MSG (Broken link, active January 28, 2006)
Truth in Labeling