We homeschool because the epidemic of teacher molestation of children entrusted to their care is at an all time high. Based on these figures for Tennessee, if the rest of the states in the nation were comparable, there would be two reports of teacher abuse every night including weekends for the entire year. If the media were covering this story, which it isn’t.
Redbud says
Well, it was looking like there was an epidemic, and now it looks like there's figures to back it up. It's just disgusting.
Anonymous says
Are you going to stop going to church too? The rate of molestation/sexual misconduct among the clergy and church leadership is higher than that in public schools.
What would Jesus do? He'd say "you're being a hypocrite".
christinemiller says
You are advocating that no man ever speak against evil because some men commit evil. If you are saying that no Christian can ever speak against child abuse because a handful of Catholic priests abused children, then your argument is still flawed. For the Scriptures say that no immoral person (he who practices that lawlessness of immorality) will enter the kingdom of Heaven (1 Corinthians 6:9-10). And Jesus also said, that on the Day of Judgment, many will say to Him, Did we not do many mighty works in Your Name? And He will say to them, Depart from Me, I never knew you, you who practice lawlessness. (Matthew 7:21-23) Just because someone claims to be a member of Christ, even a clergyman for Christ, does not make him so, but "You shall know them by their fruits."
Are you an apologist for teachers who commit statutory rape on children? Or do you also desire to see that criminal abuse end in our public schools? I desire to see it end, which is why we homeschooled our children. I was unwilling to spin that roulette wheel with my children, even if others are willing to with theirs.
Please read the link; the statement you made that abuse in the church is higher than abuse in the schools is patently false. Comparisons about which is worse are futile, at any rate, because both will face God's wrath for causing the little ones who believe in Him to stumble. I would not want to be either of them on that day, and arguments that schools were worse or churches were worse will die in the throat before the all- consuming fire of His fury. He who is wise will quickly repent of every evil and tremble on their face before the outstretched arm of God, and turn to Him, and repent, and be cleansed of sin, and received into His household, while the door is still open.Edited by christinemiller on Sunday, May 13, 2007 at 11:30 AM
Fiffi says
Hello there
I randomed blogged you through HSB…. interesting that I came across your post on why you homeschool. If you visit me…. you will see that I have just done a post on why we will continue to homeschool!
Your reason is extremely valid!