Our pastor spoke about origins last night in church. He explained the four theories of origins: atheistic evolution (Broken link, active July 24, 2006), theistic evolution, old earth creation (i.e. Dr. Hugh Ross), and young earth creation (i.e., Answers in Genesis). He dismissed the two evolution theories as incompatible with both science and Scripture.
But our pastor did not come down on the side of old earth or young earth creation, saying there were unanswered questions with both positions, which made it impossible to know which was right, or perhaps that made both right.
I can understand his ambiguity; for while I do not have any unanswered questions about young earth or old earth; I do in other areas of theology; and I know how hard it can be to find those answers when so many sincere people so passionately declare for one side or the other with equal fervency and recourse to Scripture.
He also said that anyone who says they have the answers, is not telling the truth, because there are questions out there which cannot be answered. I see his point, but I don’t think I agree with this statement, and am still working out why. That will be my first post.
He posed the questions he found which neither old earth or young earth answered, for us to work out for ourselves; and since he requested we not discuss it with him, I decided to work out for myself his questions here. I am a convinced young earth creationist in my own mind. I am not afraid of discussing difficult questions, because I believe that truth shows up its nature under questioning. The spotlight illuminates both the truth and the falsehood more brightly. So, why am I a young earth creationist? I will use evidence from both science and theology in an attempt to address the questions our pastor brought out.
Continued in young earth or old earth: do answers exist?
sprittibee says
Did you happen to see all the flack I got for stating my beliefs (in my Creation series this past week? 🙂 Just warning you that you’ll most likely get the same. However, it’s nice to see another person who tends to agree with me on the younger earth position.
christinemiller says
This is such a deeply divided issue in the church, our pastor was afraid to discuss it afterwards. He refused to take questions and told everyone not to ask him anything about this topic again, because he will not answer them. It is interesting to examine WHY is it so deeply divisive? Is the Bible really that ambigious? Or are people just afraid of the church seeming like it is full of stupid religious zealots in an age of science and reason?
I hope to show that intelligent and well- read people trained in science can discuss this topic with respect. Everyone with questions or disagreements is invited to participate; I welcome iron sharpening iron. I always learn when I have to dig deeper in the research to answer questions intelligently.
Our pastor presented some stereotypes of young earthers which I have never read in their literature or heard repeated in talking to other YECs. So however those caricatures get started, it would be great to debunk some of those too.
Thanks Sprittibee, I am going to read your series! Love Christine