exo 20:14 the seventh commandment 2017 aug 21
deu 21-22 shift of topic from murder to adultery 2011 mar 29
deu 21:10-23 do not commit adultery 2011 mar 29
deu 23-24 examples of keeping 7th-10th commandments 2011 mar 30
deu 21:10-25:19 explanation of 7th-10th commandments 2012 sep 01
deu 21:10-23:14 do not commit adultery 2013 jan 24
deu 21:10-22:7 kind treatment of captives 2013 jan 27
deu 21:10-22:7 the value of the next generation 2013 jan 28
deu 21:10-22:7 the integrity of the land 2013 jan 29
deu 21:10-22:7 kind treatment of animals 2013 jan 30
deu 21:10-22:7 the importance of mothers 2013 jan 31
deu 21:10-22:7 chiastic structure 2013 feb 03
deu 22:8-12 fencing your roof 2013 feb 04
deu 22:8-12 strengthening your vineyard 2013 feb 05
deu 22:8-12 do not be unequally yoked 2013 feb 06
deu 22:8-12 tzitzit and adultery 2013 feb 07
deu 22:13-29 the sacredness of marital intimacy 2013 feb 10
deu 22:30-23:8, the integrity of the assembly 2013 feb 11
deu 21:10-23:14 seventh commandment chiastic structure 2013 feb 13
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