Today’s Hebrew Testament chronological reading is in Jeremiah 50 and 51.
(Please see Chronological Notes Documentation to understand why the book of Jeremiah must be read out of order to read it chronologically.)
The Psalms/ Proverbs reading is in Psalm 112.
The Greek Testament reading is in Hebrews 7.
Essential Studies.
Jeremiah 50 and 51, Prophecies against Babylon and their historic or future fulfillment
Babel/ Babylon index of studies
Psalm 112, Chiastic structure, and the fixed heart (Additional studies: Psalms Book Five (107-150) Index)
Hebrews 7, The better covenant (Additional studies: Hebrews Index)
With Yeshua as our High Priest, we have a better hope, and are living in a better covenant. It is not that the “old” covenant has passed away–Paul taught us that a covenant enacted later cannot nullify a covenant which was ratified earlier (Gal 3:17). But that covenant, by providing Natural Pictures of tabernacle, sacrifices, congregation, and priesthood, prophetically foreshadowed the better covenant. In our better covenant, instead of the blood of bulls and goats offered daily to atone for sins, the blood of Messiah Yeshua was offered once for all to atone for sins (Heb 7:27). In our better covenant, instead of the Law of God being written without us on tablets of stone, that same Law is now written within us by the power of the Holy Spirit, on the tablets of our hearts (Heb 7:27). Obedience to the Law does not solve man’s fundamental problem of the sin nature, but the new birth in Messiah Yeshua does solve it, thus the better covenant and the better hope.
Three-year Bible.
The three-year plan is here.
Today’s reading is in Judges 2.
Suggested study: Judges 2, Bible for Beginners.
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