why don’t I feel God?
feelings, the unreliable barometer
the spirit, soul, and body connection
the mind and heart connection
the battleground of the mind
it builds character
lies are not harmless
truth sets us free
tearing down strongholds
We can give lip service to a truth of God’s Word with our minds while disbelieving it in the core of our beings, in our hearts. Our habitual (not occasional) thoughts and feelings testify to those strongholds of lies that have been established there. But there is a way to convince our heart of what is the truth. It takes the renewing of our minds.
The renewing of our minds transforms us; it convinces our hearts of the truth. Once our hearts become convinced of the truth, our habitual thoughts and feelings will also be transformed, because they are attached. Fruit follows nature, Jesus taught.
Establishing a stronghold of truth will automatically dismantle the stronghold of the lie. The best way to get darkness out of a room is to flip the light switch, not wrestle the darkness. First, find the Scriptures that speak the truth of the stronghold that you want to establish. (I have many of these already, and will be posting them.) They are the specific sword of the Spirit designed to have the most effect against the specific lie with which you are struggling.
If the stronghold of the lie “God rejects me” is present in your heart, and you know it because you habitually struggle with thoughts and feelings of resentment and bitterness, then the stronghold of truth that you must establish is “God accepts me.” Find at least 2 or 3 Scriptures that affirm that truth; usually there are many more. Once you have found your Scriptures, write them down on 3×5 cards, and keep them with you during the day. By them you will begin to establish a stronghold of truth brick by brick, knocking down the bricks of the stronghold of the lie in the process, and to train your feelings to feel that which reflects reality, what is true.
training our hearts in truth
practical considerations
rabbit trail one: God’s word applies to me
rabbit trail two: God’s word is unfailing
thirty minutes a day can change your life
thirty minutes a day, day two
thirty minutes a day, days three and four
thirty minutes a day, day five
there is too much, let me sum up
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