What does it mean to receive His Word? We take it in, and accept it. We believe it is true. We believe it is true and put our trust in it, which is to say, we put our trust in Him who spoke it and proclaimed it a true Word, even when things get difficult as they got for Job. We don’t reject it or cast it away from us, because of momentary affliction which seems to disprove its veracity. Momentary affliction which has the appearance of being reality, which appearance is however deceiving. Spiritual warfare almost entirely consists in discerning between the truth of God’s Word, which is always true, and the falsehood of momentary affliction, a temporary state of deceptive appearances.
Hebrew root word parables.
Receive, please, instruction from His mouth, and lay up His words in your heart. Job 22:22
They have closed up their fat hearts … Psa 17:10
To receive לקח laqach, Strong’s H3947
Instruction תורה torah, Strong’s 8451
To lay up שום shuwm, Strong’s H7760, a primitive root meaning, “to appoint.”
shin ש = two front teeth, thus sharp, press, eat, two, again
vav ו = the tent peg, thus add, secure, hook
mem מ, ם = the water, thus chaos, mighty, blood
The story: The breath (shin, as that which passes through the teeth) which hooks (vav) water (mem, in the form of vapor) with it and is expelled from the body to the outside. In just this way a man’s character is outwardly expressed from that which is laid up within his heart.
Word אמר emer, Strong’s H561, an abstract concept meaning, “answer,” from אמר amar, Strong’s H559 a primitive root meaning, “to say” (its Hebrew root word parable).
Heart לבב lebab, Strong’s H3824, an abstract concept meaning, “the inner man,” often used interchangeably with לב leb, Strong’s H3820, a concrete object meaning, “heart,” both from Strong’s H3823 לבב labab, a primitive root meaning, “to be hollow.”
lamed ל = the shepherd’s staff, thus teach, yoke, to, bind
bet ב = the house, thus house, household, family, in, within
bet ב = the house, thus house, household, family, in, within
The story: Being yoked (lamed) within (bet) the house (bet); i.e., the heart is a hollow organ (as a house is hollow), and is meant to hold something within it (as the house holds the family within it); that is, the life-giving blood, which it then distributes to all corners of the body. In the same way, the spiritual heart or inner man is hollow and is meant to hold something within it that it distributes to all corners of the person.
Fat heart, חלב cheleb, Strong’s H2459 a concrete object meaning, “fat;” from an unused, unnamed root meaning, “to be fat.”
chet ח = the wall, thus outside, divide, half
lamed ל = the shepherd’s staff, thus teach, yoke, to, bind
bet ב = the house, thus house, household, family, in, within
The story: To have an enclosure surrounding (chet) the heart (lamed + bet). A spiritual fat heart is the same as a closed heart. It is walled off, and the Word of God cannot enter. A fat heart is death to the spiritual man just as a fat heart is death to the physical man.
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